Step-up Your Email Marketing Game Today!

3 min readApr 28, 2021

We get it.

As a matter of fact, we believe all digital marketers get this.

Producing effective email marketing content is hard. Especially in a world where content saturation is on the rise.

Business owners are doing everything in their power to gain their audience’s attention, and yet getting lost in the sea of similarity.

Every great story has been told. Every great subject line has been rephrased and reused so many times that everything you create feels like an imitation of something better.

In that scenario, how do you make content that sticks? How do you consistently create emails that make your subscribers excited and wait impatiently for the next one?

And most importantly, how do you keep adding value to their lives so that they become your loyal fans?

Identifying the Problem

Out here in the business world, we thrive by finding solutions. And every problem does have a solution.

So what is your real problem here? That subscribers are not reading your emails? If you think so, let us tell you how you can’t be more wrong.

People not paying much attention to your broadcast is the consequence and not the actual problem. You have been doing some things wrong and those things are leading to sloppy results.

  • Lack of personalisation: Let’s face it. People like to feel special. They don’t lie being another one of your “prospects.” You have to treat each individual as a living, breathing human beings and use content that can be heavily personalised for each person.
  • Not optimised for mobile: As of 2021, more than half the world’s web traffic is through mobile devices. More people use mobile phones to scroll through social media, browse websites and read emails. Unless your content is optimised for mobile phones, we doubt you will see much growth.
  • Too much text: The average Joe hates reading long paragraphs. He would rather be excited about your content if you creatively insert infographics and videos into your content.
  • Outdated designs: Come on. We all know this one’s a bummer. If you don’t want people to perceive your content as slipshod, stop presenting them in that manner.
  • Generic titles: Quit using templates on your titles. Stay as far away as you can from titles that have been re-constructed a hundred times and provide no sense of originality.
  • Lousy email service provider: This one is by far the most important reason why you are not getting leads through email. If your service provider does not give you the features you wish they did, why are you still sticking with them?

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The Solution

Now that you have identified the real problems, we have put together a very detailed list of 8 things that you can do right now to make your emails truly stand out. (We mean it)

It’s time to breathe life into those email campaigns again.

And it’s very much time that you start opening doors to new possibilities and relationships that will drive sales and referrals to your business through emails.

Pick your favourites from our list of 8 greatest email marketing tactics and start executing today!

Click here to read more.




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