17 Powerful Marketing Strategies To Grow Business Faster

4 min readMay 6, 2021


If you are building the business of your dreams, this blog is for you.

You’re excited to launch something of your own. You have laid down the basics of your business. You have decided on what you’ll do and made a plan on how to get it done.

You know that your business will impact the lives of people and you can’t wait to see all your efforts play out in the world.

But hold on, is that enough?

Millions of businesses are launched worldwide every year and most of them don’t survive for long. We looked into why that happens and one factor stands out from the rest as to why businesses fail or stagnate in terms of growth beyond a point.


Not having an effective marketing strategy can affect your dream project adversely. As opposed to popular belief, good products or services don’t just sell themselves. You have to put in the effort to help them reach as many people as possible.

Specific marketing strategies have a more significant impact on your business than others. For instance, testing your product for market fit before you do a huge launch helps you improve on it before you go to market. Also, partnering with influencers in your niche enables you to gain credibility, making it easier to sell your products once you launch.

Use the right marketing strategy to grow your business faster

If you have burnt the midnight oil to create your company, then you should also give it the perfect marketing strategy to gain customers and fuel growth.

Once you start with the right marketing strategy, it will be easier to overcome common challenges every business owner faces.

Here we have put together a list of 17 tried and tested marketing strategies that can help you reach a wider audience and generate more sales in 2021.

Set a Goal and a Budget

The most underrated and yet highly effective marketing strategy of all time is setting a specific goal and budget for yourself. Because how else would you determine the success rate of your campaigns.

Build Your Influence

Influencer marketing delivers an ROI as high as $6.50 for every $1 spent. It has quickly become one of the most effective marketing strategies for a small business.

Champion One Social Channel

It can be tempting to try out all the social media channels available to you. But diversification can be a big mistake at an early stage. Identify the ones that work best for your industry and act accordingly.

Build Rapport through Email

Email marketing is the best way to convert leads in 2021. Make sure to focus a large chunk of your efforts here. Use email automation tools like EngageBay to make the job easier.

Blog Strategically

Marketers that effectively utilize blogs tend to get 67% more leads than those that do not. But that’s only if you’re doing it right.

Conduct Research That Impacts Your SEO

Utilise analytics tools to find out the keywords that can help you rank higher on Google searches and use them effectively in your content.

Teach Others

Adding value to your customers and people in the industry can help you position yourself as an expert and also reach more people when your content gets shared.

Survey, Listen and Learn

Understanding your customers and their wants is the best way to create products that actually sell. Conduct surveys and make time to listen to your target audience as much as possible.

Reexamine Your Landing Pages

The first impression is definitely the best impression, especially at a tie when the attention span of people is down to mere seconds. Make your landing page attractive and informative.

Stand for Something

Building trust in your target audience goes a long way into making them buy from you consistently. Project your values through your actions and stand out from the crowd.

Leverage Social Media Advertising

Social media ads have proven effective to drive ROI with the kind of free and low-cost marketing opportunities that they offer.

Leverage Google’s Local Offerings

With more and more people using Google’s services to get to businesses, local SEO has proven to be very important to help you rank higher on local searches.

Prioritize Retention

It is common knowledge in the business world that if a customer buys from you more than three times, you have in all probability, won them over as a lifetime buyer. Focus some of your marketing efforts on your existing customer base for that matter.

Woo Your Audience

Storytelling is a powerful tool for any marketer with its positively impacting conversion rates by as much as 4x. Tell amazing stories connected to your business and see customers flocking to you.

Explore Partnerships

Exploring and utilizing partnerships with other small businesses can exponentially expand the potential of your own business.

Enable Your Audience to Get to Know, Like and Trust You

Make as many opportunities as possible for your customers to interact with you. Let them know that there are real human beings running the show on the backend.

Promote a Free Consultation

If possible for your industry, offer free consultations to customers. They are more likely to approach you if they perceive you as someone who’s not waiting to snatch their money from them.

Arm yourself with these amazing low-investment marketing strategies that can help you max out your ROI.

Get started today and explore all the growth avenues presented to you.

Click on this link and read the entire detailed blog, where we discuss all these strategies with examples and references.




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